
My submission for the Cover Up Jam #6. I chose to work on the Paradroid game, specifically the subgame when you interface with other robots. However, being an old Spectrum user, I've based the design on Quazatron, the port of Paradroid.

I think this subgame is great. But I think when it all happens so quickly and has a minimal interface, it can be a barrier to playing the main game. This is meant to be a simulation training game to help you practice for when you play the real thing.

How to Play

The subgame of Paradroid is a battle to gain control of the interface by powering certain circuits to win segments in the central column. Initially, you choose which side of the interface you want to play on (see limitations below). When the game starts, you have a certain number of power connectors to power each line. Beware, they only power it for a short period of time. The side that lights the most segments on the central column at the end of the game wins.

Some circuits have logic gates on them. There are:

  • Combiners - you have to provide two power connections to light up a single segment
  • Splitters - one power connection will light up two segments
  • Blockers - this is wasted power, don't connect to these
  • Inverters - these turn your power connection into the enemy's segment colour. Another one to avoid
  • Repeaters - these will keep powering the segment after the initial power connection has run out (see limitations below)


The U.S.F. Paradroid is a spaceship in trouble. It's robot crew have turned against the human crew under suspicious circumstances. You play an influence device, a robot designed to take over other robots by overriding their security interfaces, but ultimately to obliterate them and rescue the human crew.

Taking over other robots give access to better weapons and other abilities. But interfacing takes practice, and that's where this game comes in. Giving you the opportunity to play just that part of the game.

Play the logic puzzle to defeats various types of robot.


Many thanks to Andrew Braybrook and Steve Turner for creating such great games.


Game jams being what they are, some bits are not complete or accurate to the original game. Here's my current snag list:

  • Can't choose a side, although the countdown is in place to be realistic to the simulation
  • Cursor is not wrapping when you reach the top or bottom
  • Fixed screen res, and graphics compressed slightly, trying to find out why
  • Power segment draws are not currrently shown, nor does it wait till all power lines have powered down before declaring a winner
  • It can generate some circuits with inaccessible parts
  • No difficulty. AI is a bit dumb
Published 1 day ago
StatusIn development
Made withUnity
Tagsparadroid, quazatron, Robots, training

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