Old man Graves died years ago. His 4-storey mansion left empty. He was a loner, staying in the mansion much of his life, rarely seen. When he was seen, he was known to carry an impressive sceptre, and an angry demeanor! He had taken the mansion over from the first founders of the sleepy town of Spirit Bay. Rumours tell of a mystical urn of great value, an heirloom of the founders, that may still be somewhere in that mansion. But people also talk of sightings of strange things in the mansion and won't go near it.
So why am I standing in front of it? Because I work for Mr Atari, the local estate agent. He wants to get this place sold, so wants me to go and see what state the place is in. But, why did he pick this awful late October night for me to do it? All I have is a crappy lighter to see anything. I don't even keys for the place, but oh, the front door is open...
This is a submission for the cover jam #4.
I've chosen to do the haunted house cover. I'm sticking fairly faithfully to the rules of the original Atari game, except for a few differences that don't quite make sense in a modern 3D world.
Synty Haunted Mansion pack
Cartoon Texture Pack
Gridbox Prototype Materials
Father Parkinson Font
Sound F/X - Krotos Audio, WA Productions
Music - kodikos
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